1-9e. Each company’s delivery policies are different.

There are no hard and fast restrictions when it comes to the transfer of Forex swap points. Although the majority of Forex companies use a process based on the interbank market's structure, certain Forex firms ignore changes in swap anniversary days due to holidays or other factors, and continue to supply on a daily basis.

If you keep a position for one year with any Forex firm, you will receive 365 days of swap points, however we recommend that you verify the delivery schedule in advance on a page where you can check the date of each company's swap point award.

Forex companies for 3 days on Wednesday → Thursday

When rolling over from Wednesday to Thursday in general, regardless of whether there is a holiday or not, exchange points for Saturdays and Sundays of all currency pairs are regularly given over among the Forex accounts maintained on this site.

Forex companies for 3 days on Friday → Monday

Swap points for Saturdays and Sundays of all currency pairings are consistently handed on when rolling over from Friday to Monday of the following week in principle, regardless of whether there is a holiday or not, among the Forex accounts maintained on this site.

Forex company with a single swap point

Furthermore, while there is a difference between the amount received and the amount to be paid while keeping the same number of positions in each Forex account, the amount received and the amount to be paid are the same "single value" technique.

When trading directed at the price movement of the exchange rate, you may be able to keep a position without worrying too much about the swap point if the swap point is a single value, aside from the level of the swap point.