1-3c. Currency symbols of major currencies

Each currency has its own currency symbol (currency code). A currency symbol is a three-letter alphabet that represents the name of a currency in accordance with the international standard rules established by the ISO (International Organization for Standardization), and is unified all over the world.


The currency symbol is represented by assigning the country code to the first two letters and the initials of the currency to the last letter. For Japanese yen, it is “JPY” which is a combination of the country code “JP” of Japan and the initial “Y” of the yen. The US dollar is the US country code “US” and the initial “D” of the US dollar, which is “USD”.


Currency pairs are also often represented using currency symbols, and the US dollar / yen is written as “USD / JPY” .

 Many Forex companies also use currency symbols to indicate currency pairs in trading tools. Remembering the currency symbols of the major currencies will help you quickly find currency pairs when trading or displaying charts.


The following is a list of currency symbols for major currencies. Please refer to it and remember it.